Natto nutritional profile is impressive! It is almost a complete meal.
Many people ask: what is the best time to eat natto, morning, afternoon, or night? Basically, you can eat it at any time, but each time has advantages and disadvantages. Let’s talk about it in detail.

Many people in Japan eat natto as a regular breakfast staple.
Natto is rich in high-quality protein. Eating it in the morning will pump up your metabolism, increase body temperature, and improve exercise results. It is also a good measure against poor circulation.
If breakfast is your main meal, never skip it, and use physical strength in the morning; we recommend eating natto at that time. Your body will significantly benefit from the extra aid of natto nutrients and probiotics in the morning.
Natto powder

In Japan, people eat natto with steamed rice, but if you usually eat bread, what about sprinkling natto powder on a toast or adding it to an omelet.
For people who eat just a light breakfast, we recommend adding natto to miso soup, a cup of coffee, or a cereal bowl.

If you are an office worker or do a lot of desk work in the afternoon, it could be good to eat natto at lunchtime. Eating fewer carbohydrates and highly digestible proteins such as natto for lunch will help you prevent afternoon sleepiness.
Therefore, tryptophan, a natto’s abundant amino acid, is converted into serotonin by the body. Serotonin, also known as the “happiness hormone,” possesses anti-stress and relaxing effects.
In the course of the evening to the night, serotonin changes into melatonin. Melatonin is known for its sleep-promoting effects. If you want to get a good night’s sleep at the end of the day, we recommend eating natto at lunchtime.

Night sleep time is the best for our body to perform self-maintenance. For example, the growth hormone repairs our damaged skin while sleeping. Natto contains diverse vitamin B that works in conjunction with growth hormone to renovate skin while we sleep.
A little-known secret is eating natto at dinner for beautiful skin!
However, there is a downside. Metabolism (energy consumption) is reduced while sleeping. Natto is a food rich in nutrients; if your lifestyle is sedentary, your body may not consume all its nutrients entirely. In the long term, high nutrient intake at night may increase the risk of obesity.
But there is no reason to be afraid. If you want to eat natto at night to improve your skin condition, control your dinner meals, or increase physical activity to ensure full consumption of the nutrients.
In summary, the effect of eating natto depends on the timing. Find the best for you!